
If they ever put a roof on it maybe they can get another deal to call it Preparation H Dome?

He chucks it at Steve & it lodges into the side of a van.

If you like the soundtrack check out 65 Days of Static other albums, they’ve gotten a little more electronic the past few, but the early stuff is purely instrumental and all of it is fun to listen to.

Is it just me or does he really look like Kevin Spacey while in the suit?

Now we just need the slow southern drawl and fourth wall breaking...

Flew out of JFK on Thurs & back in last night. Glad I missed this fiasco.

If it was up to Roy the Avs would’ve just played every 3rd period without a goalie.

Yankees fan my whole life, started in the late-80s/early-90s when they were bad. Real bad. But they always had that player that you couldn’t help but love to watch. The guy that played the game the “right way” the “Yankee way.”

Yup. Would love to see him on the TBS broadcasts in the playoffs again.

I think the fact that it was Bernie Mac is what made the absurd premise work. His death doesn’t even come into play for me. The movie is just a total turd that’s hilarious every step of the way because nobody took it seriously and neither will I, enjoy it for what it is.

You’re complaining about how it looks like he’s using an outdated version of iOS yet the phone is clearly running Android...

Yes, the movie sucks, but this is so contrived I can’t believe you get your dumb shit posted on a website that gets thousands of views.

OK, 2nd best.

I want a Lyanna Mormont spin-off and I WANT IT NOW

This. How hard is it to ask Clark Gregg to do a 2 minute cameo in Jessica Jones or Iron Fist to “register” these people and their powers? To say that one day they may be called upon to help the big guys when the need arises?

Now it’s just a land of Hasidic Jews and no one wanting to live there but hipsters.

Usually after the swelling goes down they’ll screw in a titanium plate if there’s no hope for the cracks to heal.

As someone who’s on the longer side down there... it’s never fun for anyone when you poke the cervix.

Wayne Gretzky getting traded to the Kings.

Because CS Riot Gas don’t neutralize bombs. Your argument is complete fallacy.

I mean, I’ve been watching South Park since I was 14 or so (season 2 or 3 I think) and I’ve loved it every season, they’ve just been fun pokes at every flaw and obvious but not tackled issue in society/current events.

Yes it’s crude and they play on the norms that are in-fact wrong, but the message has always been to

A thousand times this.