You have to braise a Geodude in wine for about three hours, then crack open the shell.
You have to braise a Geodude in wine for about three hours, then crack open the shell.
Oooh, this is fun.
Not any different than saying “hey, I want to read the book this movie I enjoyed is based on!”
Or deconstructed.
Once again Utahns are saying “Well DUH.”
I stopped eating of the kid’s menu by age 10, so I’m surprised this is an issue. If they say they’re old enough, let them. :-)
I never knew I needed something in my life as much as I need this right now.
Yeah, I thought a deposit was standard on big catering orders.
Putting on my HR hat, companies can’t put restrictions on what you eat. You don’t know if that fish is a dietary restriction or whatever.
Wendy’s 4 for $4 is perfect for that kind of variety now. Small sandwich, drink, fries and 4 piece nugget.
Yeah, McDonalds seems to have gendered toys more than others though. Before Wreck it Ralph they had the choice between Pokemon or Hello Kitty, and before that it was between Transformers and MLP.
Because I took them to the toy section and let them chose whatever the hell they wanted as a reward.
My boys frequently actively chose the female characters or “girl toys”. So it’s not that.
My wife and I have two boys. We’ve never answered that question with “boy” or “girl” though. My boys have wanted the My Little Ponys before. Even when they want the “boy” toy, I still say “Transformers” instead.
Sylvia was an absolute sweetheart and totally hilarious. I loved her stealing the pan, then asking for the complete set.
Jacques lost some weight. Good for him!
One of those YouTube families actually tried it and it doesn’t look bad.
Someone at Tide product design needs to get fired
It has some really shitty food options, and not a lot of seating. It’s not a good airport...