
I’m really glad the first two episodes of S2 are as good as S1. Ray with a girlfriend is pretty funny. I love seeing Kenneth interacting with more than JJ and Maya. And Jimmy being a responsible adult is a great plot for him.

I have really got to disagree. Generation X has been the weakest of the relaunched X-book. The “outcasts” trope has gotten old, and Strain doesn’t do much to elevate it. Several of the characters are pretty far out of character from when we saw them last (Quire specifically, who’s had most of his character advancement

I’ve been to many of the restaurants he visits as I travel for work and I haven’t been disappointed yet. They’re damn good restaurants.

He got busted pretty far down though. He went from Lieutenant to Officer.

A lot of guys would say they would have leveled the dude and walked away, but when you’re really in that situation, you probably would have dealt with it the same way.

What a cool video but holy cow only having one ring during those fights stressed me out!


And Multiversity publicity interviews stated that there are clusters of 52 universes in the Multiverse. Basically, each “52" is like a city in the grand map of the Multiverse.

Wow, I’ve never seen a Star Trek set get that low ever. Paramount/CBS keeps those suckers expensive.

Wow, I’ve never seen a Star Trek set get that low ever. Paramount/CBS keeps those suckers expensive.

Exactly what i thought it was missing

Ooooh, I get 91%. Nice.

I think the news report for him shitcanned, and the coverage of the news report was the messenger.

I’m sure it’s standard “Disney fired me but I’m contractually obligated to not say that for at least two years.” Just like I’m sure his firing is a result of him violating the morality clause of his Disney contract.

He’s GOOD but he’s not a superstar. The anger is more about “we’ve built a team around him and now he’s leaving!”

Oh yeah, not disagreeing with that. It’s a blow. It sucks. But we’ll rebuild.

As a Utahn who’s kind of apathetic to the whole thing, I think the issue is largely that clearly the Millers were building the team around Gordon, and the community was getting excited about that after seeing his growth.

You’re forgetting about Nemesis.

You’re forgetting about Nemesis.

My five year old asked me after seeing the Mario Odyssey trailer “want to play Wario Taxi?”

She’s a damn good voice actor, and I think Alex is a very different person than Ariel. So yeah, I’d say she’s legit.

Mojo Jojo is insulted by the lack of presence of the great intellect and spectacle that is Mojo Jojo, for Mojo Jojo is the greatest of villains in all of villainy, and shall raze this so called game to the ground for the great insult in not including the majesty of Mojo Jojo!