
I really didn’t get there being two versions at the same time. I loved Sonic SatAM too, so Adventures was just lost on me.

Well, since it was a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, aren’t they all technically (or likely) dead?

Also, he’s not wearing a belt.

*slow clap*

The cup of whatever looks to be the same stuff, but either her hand or shirt behind it is making it look red.

VOLLEYBALL IS SO BRUTAL. It’s mostly girls, and it’s so INTENSE. I’ve seen more near-fist fights in women’s volleyball than in men’s basketball.

Only time we didn’t play full-court is when we had enough missionaries to play two 3-on-3 games.

Not allowing city inspectors in doesn’t make sense, because of the open houses they hold before each one. They show you pretty much everything (except boring stuff like the offices).

The Remaster can be hard if you up the difficulty level. And were the levels always as long as they are on the Remaster? Oh my hell.

Amen! He’s just wrong!

I’ve played remastered Ducktales a ton on my phone. It’s great. I hope they do mobile ports of the rest of these.

Loved reading this Evan. The only thing you missed is the sub-genre of Mormon humor that church ball has spawned. We can laugh at ourselves, and usually one of the first jokes is about spraining your ankle playing basketball.

Nothing doctrinal. Just “You’re probably less likely to get injured.” When I played on my mission though, the only time we played half court is if we had enough people to split into two 3-on-3 games.

They’re still a lot of fun. Such a dying breed

There are still lot of drive-ins. They’re definitely dying out though. Utah used to have ten and now we have three. But I love taking my boys to the drive in and just letting them chill in the back seat or my lap and watch a movie.

I hope you get to spend some time with the Lego booth. I hear there’s some good stuff there

Uhm, wow.

Burying the lede there Fahey- BUCKBEAK! That’s freaking awesome.

Awwww... That’s adorable.

You’ve clearly never been vomited on multiples times a night, while trying to clean up the initial puke.