
Wait a second- there’s only going to be enough pieces to build four of the seven? That kind of sucks. I want them all!


Rap battle!

Popsicle hustler.

Thanks for this piece Kevin. A great example of why C&H was so amazing

Someone buy him a diet coke. And an apple pie. That’s like a McD’s version of a hug. :-)

That poor second guy. I read this earlier today, and I feel so badly for that guy. I’ve been there with asshole co-workers, especially ones with their significant others around. You just want to cry... or shoot them... And you can’t do either.

No you’re not. You love it. :-D

If that country is Canada.

I was called a racist this morning for using the phrase “woman of color” in a positive context (“Yay for (upcoming film) for casting an older woman of color as a character in a position of power!”). Yup, you’re exactly right.

I really only want Buzz, Stitch and Donald myself. Although that Maleficent is badass.

Lego makes it pretty easy honestly. I’ve only gotten a double once. Looking at these, it’ll be easy. Micky, Stitch, and Minnie will probably be the ones that confuse collectors the most.

Unless I counted wrong, 23-

That’s exactly what I figured it was.

Damn, I need to buy a WiiU just to get Mario Maker... This is incredible.

I know. Run the fuck away.

Yeah, but after he grows said pair, he needs to get the fuck out. Period.

I’d like to see the backing research.

I second everything that is said here. I had a girlfriend like this, and guess what I did when I found out she was fucking her ex (after she and I had done little more than kiss)? I was hurt, angry, and BROKE THE FUCK UP WITH HER. We stayed friends for a few months, but then met my now wife, and the rest is history.