
The problem with the original app store was that the OS didn't use native code (C, C#, etc) and required devs to recompile the code through a packager that required a lot of maintenance. When you account for the fact that most dev companies are at most ~75 people (and many are just individuals or small teams), there

@Xeno: We got the 67" Samsung LED DLP when they were clearing out of Amazon. It's probably the clearest picture I've ever seen. And it's 3D compatible, so we don't have to buy a new TV either!

@thegreatpablo: Will they do an update with Netflix for the WDTV Live?

@ilovetofu: They're already developing OLET TVs, which are better, cheaper, and more energy efficient than OLEDs, and at the same thickness.

@Xeno: I still love our LED DLP. Unmatched picture color and HD quality. It looks better than any LCD or plasma.

@Nitemancometh: I don't have one, but I'd imagine the 120+ Hz frequency at least gives you a great picture.

7 TV's at once? Just goes to show that Sony still doesn't know what they're doing or who wants to buy their stuff.

@Firebrand: Since you haven't read the article you linked, let me sum it up. AT&T's network was hacked. The 3G iPads happen to be on AT&T's network, thus, the iPads were hacked. It has nothing to do with the iPad, because that could have happened to any AT&T wireless device.

At least say that it looks like it won't do well, not that it won't do well, seeing as nobody in the general public actually has one or used one (minus the attendees of the WWDC).

I'm pretty sure anything would just physically break when blow up, even after breaking into pieces.