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You have to remember how few franchises successfully made the transition to 3D at the time. Sonic Adventure was a comparative mess to the relatively polished Mario and Zelda. Mario and Zelda also gave much more intuitive control over the camera. By today’s standards the camera control is rudimentary, but at the time

What's your point though? 

Look, I’m not saying you’re not entitled to your opinion. I’m just disagreeing with you, because although the game’s not perfect, the same can be said for any game. If you want to claim a game’s not great, it would be helpful if you could tell us what game you DO consider great, so that I can at least understand what

It kinda is. It's OK if you don't like it, but I struggle to imagine what game you might think is more "all-around awesome", and by what metrics.

I’m still trying to figure out why I bought a Switch”

Probably not, but if the woman went to a stand-up comedy show by a comedian known for that type of humor, I don’t think the comedian should be the one who has to change what they're doing or apologize.

Why were people offended?

The internet got collectively on their case over this comic:

Holkins wouldn’t even consider that an insult. Being overly verbose is basically an intentional choice, since that’s the nature of the “Tycho” character.

You want ranked choice voting. It will solve most of the problems with America’s political system in a single stroke. First Past The Post, winner-take-all voting, despite seeming like a small insignificant issue, is actually the root cause behind most of America’s problems and is what makes American politics

I went red precisely because I didn't trust the Star-Child and in my view, Shepard had sold the plan to his friends and the galaxy at large as "use the weapon to destroy the Reapers" and so I figured I was best off if I stuck to the plan. When mind control has you doubting yourself, "stick to the original plan" has to

Is this a question? Did you want someone to explain the appeal of Minecraft to you? Or did you just want to tell people who enjoy Minecraft that you don’t?

Had to make more space for Clueless Hero.

Arkham Asylum was two gens ago: it was definitely on XB360

Netflix should just throw some money at Konami to give them a HD remake of Dracula’s Curse with the Netflix versions of the characters and cutscenes.

Don’t forget that Wolverine also possesses enhanced senses - basically you could get away with something resembling Batman’s Detective Vision.

If you think that that describes “literally anywhere” then your Eurocentrism is just as problematic as Ubisoft’s.

Yeah suddenly his white frenchness would be fine.

GBA games I’d be excited for:

Oh and I doubt it’ll have Metroid II because they just recently did a Switch version of that game.