
I just explained what the issue was, but OK. It is not censorship to use your voice to explain that you will buy one type of product but not another. “Make the kind of thing I like or else I won’t buy” is not censorship; it’s the exact same level of freedom of association that the artist also enjoys; this is why I

“Trying to force someone to change their content ‘or else’ because you’re offended is an attempt at censorship”.

I’m not disputing that, which is why I’m now convinced that you didn’t understand my point.

They just need a Clodagh and Street Fighter will have all 4 of my niblings: Clodagh, Sean, Luke and Dan

I'm extremely frumpy and can never make a character that looks like me

MKX and MK11 were such drastic improvements on MK9 in terms of female character design (and everything else, really).

“It can come from mobs pressuring a company to drop the creators unless they bend the knee to their values”.

G seems to have some connection

You mean "another American character", right? We have enough of those. At least make him Canadian or something

Just buy the PC version already

Counterpoint: if I work I can afford a car in several months. If I steal I can afford a car in several minutes. Accruing money at a faster rate than your peers is not necessarily an indication of superior intelligence, as lack of intelligence is not always the only obstacle to making money. __If__ Amouranth is using

Well, she’s making enough money to prove that she’s not stupid, at least. Capitalizing on your looks is life on easy mode, sure, but there are lots of attractive women in the world, so it takes more than JUST looks to make the money she's making.

Sex sells.

No I know that but this is the first time I’ve heard it compared to the swastika or rising sun. I'm curious what the offence is.

Wait, what’s the deal with China and skulls?

Realistically, banning it doesn’t deter the Proud Boys from doing the shit they do.

They're comfy and are one of the few options for men to wear something on their feet that's colorful and daring? Black and brown get old after a while.

I think what he’s explaining badly is that while a Director’s Cut might be longer, it’s always a re-edit, meaning that the original will be cut differently and certain shots will even be cut out in favor of alternate shots.

Unless Omega is trans, or this retroactively reveals that Jango and Boba are trans.

Every time I hear stuff like this I feel tempted to maybe get the game. Then I look at the price they’re charging for a two-generation-old game and I feel Nintendo insulting my intelligence all over again.