You're aware that Alexandros of Antioch was an artist who worked on commission, right? It was the client who requested the sculpture and Alexandros was motivated by profit.
You're aware that Alexandros of Antioch was an artist who worked on commission, right? It was the client who requested the sculpture and Alexandros was motivated by profit.
I can pretty much guarantee that if this guy had a Venus di Milo on his shelf it would also not be the original Venus di Milo and would in fact be a mass-produced copy.
1. What’s the historical and cultural significance that makes you ignore the fact that Venus di Milo is a topless lady? I only ask because your assertion sounds vaguely like an appeal to authority.
When I heard “anime figures” I had the sneaking suspicion that they were suggestively-posed female characters in revealing clothes. Then I saw the name “Vampirella” and my suspicions were confirmed. So yeah, I would personally have a hard time taking a guy who openly displays that in his office seriously. Here’s the…
It’s only for two months. Long enough to get anti-vaxxers accustomed to the habit of a free donut. Then it ends and if they want the sugar to keep flowing for the rest of the year they have to get vaccinated.
So what I’m hearing is that Sony make the best buggy whips.
Meh. They'll only think that if they were never gonna get an Xbox anyway.
Well you can complete any level in 3D World as tiny hatless Mario. But the requisite powerups make it drastically easier and allow you to get collectibles you couldn’t get otherwise. So it’s more like the old Marios.
Yeah, TBH although I personally would find this way too embarrassing to actually own myself, I don’t think anyone should be shamed for it. More people should be open about being sexual entities who enjoy sexual thoughts. I’ve had conversations (that I did not initiate!) with friends (male and female!) about the kind…
I’m skeptical that you’ve done the necessary research to make this claim as confidently as you are.
Maybe the planet's heating up so much that the oceans are evaporating.
When you buy a new phone do you hold on to all your previous phones?
More like a Link Between Worlds treatment.
Thank you for saving me from my own misguided nostalgia.
Peach being better than either of them, of course.
I still enjoyed Buffy. And Angel. And Firefly/Serenity. And Avengers 1 and 2. It would be nice if those things had been made by a likeable person, which I thought he was, but I’ll live.
Captain America literally DOES understand that reference
Let’s just call a fish a fish: Roger Ebert wasn’t as smart as he liked to think he was, and declaring games to not be art was one example of that. In much the same way that Martin Scorsese is a great director but he was talking out of his ass when he said that Marvel movies aren’t cinema.
Of course you can win art.
It’s like dating. When you go on a date with a new person, little things get taken as massive red flags. In Nintendo’s case, leaking the info so quickly meant that Netflix had employees that were indiscreet and didn’t take orders from their bosses (such as “don’t tell anyone”) seriously. It’s indicative of lax hiring…