Note: with strong attacks it is possible to push the Taurus Demon off the parapet and insta-win if you manage to get in the right position.
Vibranium absorbs energy and then re-emits it in amplified form. It’s just what it does. It can basically be used to create perpetual motion devices and completely free energy. That’s why Wakandan tech always uses vibranium in the power source. It provides limitless energy if you design it right... but it requires a…
Got it. NDP is great and every other party is an evil virus of Satan. Thank you for telling me what to think.
Never mind how dumpy they look, the fact that Cap looks like he’s about to head out and crack some protester skulls is just not a good re-imagining of the character’s aesthetic.
People expect the Marvel brand to be able to sell anything but what they don’t realize is that before the MCU, the Marvel brand was just as likely to indicate soul-crushingly bad quality as good quality. I’ve seen some pretty terrible movies, TV shows, video games and books with the Marvel logo attached.
Yep, I’m of the opinion that everybody above 30 should have regular endoscopies.
If it helps you come to terms with the name, it’s a portmanteau of “spectral destrier”
Yeah, if this is gambling then Happy Meals are gambling, sticks of bubblegum that came with baseball cards are gambling, kinder surprises are gambling, boxes of breakfast cereal that have different toys in them are gambling, etc.
What people SHOULD do is make and release a derivative work that is heavily based on the Legend of Zelda but is NOT Legend of Zelda (for example the main character could be a black-haired human named Zink), and then anonymously distribute a “fan-made patch” on BitTorrent which changes all the assets to Zelda stuff.
Latinx is to cover both Latino and Latina.
How is everyone forgetting to mention Chrono Trigger and Breath of Fire II? Those are two of the greatest games ever. And the fact that Pokémon games are still going strong.
Yep Lolth would allow it even if only to make her drow followers feel insecure.
He only had it with one hand which isn’t enough to do much and it looks like he was keeping the other hand in guard because he was expecting SOMETHING like what happened but anticipated the wrong angle. He was expecting the kick to hit the side of his head and not straight into his nose.
What I’ve noticed is that every generation of Xbox has been backwards compatible with every previous generation of Xbox, so Microsoft are the ones who are actually treating loyal customers like they’re valuable.
You know what I liked about the original Super Mario All-Stars? The graphics of all those old games were updated. Save files were added to each game.
Basically the same way that gamers in the West who import Japanese-specific games are often seen as odd.
Yeah I seem to recall that a Western supermarket chain, possibly Asda or Tesco or something like that, opened in Korea and did terribly. Then it reopened elsewhere in Korea, rebranded with a Korean-sounding name, and did gangbusters. Asia is just very patriotic and protectionist I guess.
Having watched “Roman J. Israel, Esq.” I can confirm that it’s not an entertaining movie but I do now think that the plea bargain system should be abolished.
Bush made torture OK though. He literally wrote that they were “enhanced interrogation” and the CIA could feel free to do it.