
It’s like Spidey Sense. No Spider-Man movie has ever explained the Spidey Sense or even used the phrase “Spidey Sense” (the closest we’ve ever gotten is “Peter Tingle”); instead we just see Tobey Maguire’s eyes widen in fear or Tom Holland’s arm hairs stand on end and the camera shows the dangerous thing coming at him

That’s Simon, not Trevor!

The only thing that bugs me about the show is the scorn they’ve shown for Grant. It’s especially egregious since aside from Dracula himself, he’s the only character who’s actually based on anyone from the original Vlad the Impaler’s time period. The Danesti family were cousins and rivals to the Draculesti.

If it was OK for Holly McClane to punch Richard Thornburg, it’s OK for Shepard to punch al-Jilani

I use “savage” in reference to animals; not people. A lion is savage. A T-Rex is savage. A bear is savage. A silverback is savage. People are not savage. Unless they bite? I associate the adjective “savage” with the verb “savage”, and I use the adjective to indicate propensity for the verb. This also applies

Let’s be honest here: do you really expect the ships to be different in every trilogy? IRL, tanks still look more or less the same as they did in WW2. Novelty for the sake of novelty is inane. If TIE fighters and X-wings were state-of-the-art in the OT, then they’d still be pretty commonplace 30 years later, albeit

That’s not the point though. Natalie is saying she likes it because it pushed certain buttons. Dmcguinness is saying they have different buttons which aren’t in the game.

Why does article not provide a link to the rant?

Is she Danish, yeah? I never realised

“A new group of Indy fans”

Shia LaBoeuf should make a movie with Kevin Smith, both of them love burning bridges

Holy shit that could actually work.

Hux was actually highly competent in TLJ, though. Snoke ragdolls him BEFORE Hux tells him that there’s a method to his madness, after which we see Hux leaving Snoke’s throne room and Snoke laughing, saying something like “very good, general... ‘tied on a string’ indeed!”. Hux was willing to risk the Dreadnought to

Lava Dome theme is better though

Nobita has obviously never heard of the Streisand Effect

And the “Ass” stood for “Assemble”

Sony is probably communicating “even 25% is too high”

Or the expected sequence is:

If Holland is contracted for one more Sony movie then Marvel and Sony, even if they don’t want to work together anymore, should suck it up for one more movie and give Holland’s character a proper ending.

“Impossible to understate”