Is she Danish, yeah? I never realised
Is she Danish, yeah? I never realised
Lava Dome theme is better though
Nobita has obviously never heard of the Streisand Effect
“Impossible to understate”
For context:
I wouldn’t mind the game getting delayed another 5 years. If Game Freak has reached the point where the number of pokémon in existence is a problem, then they need to stop increasing that number so regularly, not keep increasing the number but ignore half of them.
Absolutely. Software development in general needs to unionize, which seems like a non sequitur but trust me, it isn’t.
You don’t get to decide whether people are allowed to use the word “but”. The word “but” is more complex than you give it credit for. There’s a saying that says “anything before the word ‘but’ doesn’t matter”, but guess what? It’s just a fucking saying. If you don’t understand that someone can agree with a statement…
Trained game dev here. I can’t help but remember what I was told when BioWare came to my college to give a talk on the games industry.
This isn’t some exasperated exclamation she muttered under her breath. This is something she typed out and submitted on a public Twitter whilst acting as a sponsored representative for a company that sells products to customers that include men. When you accept sponsorship, your Tweets cease to be appropriate places…
What? tony was saying FPS games were getting boring, I was pointing out that there are many other genres that are alive and well. You seem to be disagreeing with me but I’m not sure what your point is.
What’s in the 2%?
Oh yeah there’s absolutely way more genres (for example puzzle games like Tetris, minigame collections like warioware, rhythm games like Guitar Hero and HarmoKnight, survival horror games like Resident Evil and Silent Hill, stealth games like Metal Gear and Hitman, and so on), but I got bored of typing so I just ended…
They’ve probably learned that eating humans leads to things becoming dangerous for them. Animals aren’t mindless; they learn... eventually
Well, you have:
At the risk of defending Musk, route optimisation is actually an extremely complex problem which nobody has fully solved yet.
This is true — and it was already hilarious! Seriously, I actually literally laughed out loud, for an extended period. I’m not even 100% sure WHY I found it so funny
After the first victim, though, he really should’ve seen the utter monstrosity of the show’s concept. He’s talking about victimS, plural. I don’t care how desperate for a job you are, you need to quit a job like that or you’re not human.
If it gets patched in later, I’ll buy it then. Probably be cheaper anyway