
One book series at a time!

I would read a book about how Aryth identified The Judge as a potential defector

I 100%ed the original Lords of Shadow (including DLC) and very much enjoyed the visuals and story.

Yup. While I do acknowledge that it would be a bad look for reasonably-expressed opinions be targeted by DMCA takedown requests, there’s a difference between that and a takedown request with the aim of disassociating your brand from a guy calling people niggers. There’s a difference between “I believe borders should

Did you read the article? One of them didn’t even realise she was being asked and volunteered when she realised.

I wonder whether Armada’s move was inspired by Ed Skrein’s decision to drop out of the Hellboy reboot

I’m glad I never really enjoyed his stuff to begin with. He’s always been shit so this doesn’t hurt nearly as much as JonTron who used to be hilarious before he decided he was a politician.

If Jenny suspects her of cheating with Tanya, there IS no appropriate grace period to wait that’ll take the edge off dating Tanya. If she waits a year, Jenny will just assume they were secretly dating for a year.

Writer#1: Compartmentalize. It’s easy to make friends. It’s easy to find fuckbuddies. But if you want somebody who’ll act like your boyfriend but not develop feelings or ever expect anything, be prepared to find that guys like that are unicorns in much the same way that women are.

Starring for “verb the adjective noun”, which I’ve never heard before but immediately LOVE.

Remember when the first press event for the Xbone focused on all its TV/multimedia features? This is actually playing to its strengths.

Why did Keanu Reeves dye his hair blond and invite a bunch of presidential cosplayers to a litter party at the White House?

The “word” for black people is African-American, so European-American is perfect in that it’s EXACTLY equal. There’s no counter-argument against it that any white person can make. People give funny looks because they know there’s nothing they can say.

Nixon was a crook but I’m not sure the term “fascist” applies. Didn’t he abolish the draft?

I would add Sonic 3D: Flickie’s Island

I would find it hilarious if Tywin Lannister loved Aerys’s bastards more than his own true born son.

I can’t wait for the people who complain that having openly gay characters in a fantasy medieval setting isn’t “realistic”.

As opposed to the others, which don’t?

As a kid, it never made much sense to me why the “selecting something at random” poem involved catching a friend of Winnie the Pooh by the toe. When I was told what the ACTUAL wording was, it made no more sense than before.

This is, without a doubt, the whitest thing that has ever happened. Perhaps equally white things have happened in the past. But nothing surpasses this. This is peak white.