
And btw by that I don’t mean “they should give it another try”, I mean “I’ve probably been a bit harsh in the motivations I’ve ascribed to her”.

I live in Europe and I thought release day was yesterday, same as the rest of the world.

You know what, on another reading you’re right. I retract my earlier statement.

No, sema was emphasizing that Lincoln was in fact unpopular at the time. Trump has SOME good ideas like senatorial term limits and student debt forgiveness and if those end up being the only ideas he actually gets around to implementing, he could end up being remembered as a great president. Unfortunately at the

Maybe, maybe not, but the long and the short of it is that the current situation is a pretty shitty relationship and they’d both be better off looking for someone new. Seriously, if she were the main character in a movie, the lesson she’d learn at the end is “you shouldn’t be with either of them - take some time being

But that’s what semangeloph1 is saying - they fought the Civil War to preserve slavery, and the trigger was seeing Lincoln get elected because “oh shit we’ve lost the electoral college, if we stay in the Union we’ll get outvoted and Lincoln will force abolition on us”.

Oh god I just realised the pun in that name

Yeah, H&C wants to be in a relationship with her but what he doesn’t realise is that he basically already IS - it’s just a really shitty one and he deserves better and should dump her.

Yeah H&C if you really wanted to only be her friend you’d have recused yourself from any discussion of her relationship due to conflict of interest, like “you know how I feel so I don’t think I’m gonna give you objective advice on this, let’s just talk about school or family or careers or something”.

In 2017 you’re going to be nostalgic for 2016 when Trump wasn’t president yet

Remind me again how voting Hillary worked out for you

Remind me again how voting Hillary worked out for you

Remind me again how voting Hillary worked out for you

Nobody “owed” Hillary their vote. And if you don’t like the existence of third parties, you don’t like democracy. People can and should vote for whosoever they think would be best. It was Hillary’s job to convince them that was her. She failed.

[Putin intensifies]

That’s a bold claim to make without knowing a person’s specific situation.

Maybe so but at least Niantic employees will be able to sleep at night knowing they’ve done all they can

Having it get out that its being discontinued just before Xmas would be disastrous for sales so they had to deny it. They’ll probably make like 100 more on January 1st and THEN discontinue.

I guess she was too busy being a badass, accomplished and legendary human being to waste time drawing lines on her face