
Any way I can gamify physical activity is in style to me

Yes I’m actually quite proud of that one! :D

There were too manny petty puns to choose from.

Even darker when the elephant realises what the piano’s white keys are made of...

They have to get Valve to hand over those users’s details, and I’m pretty sure Valve has the money to fight it.

Listen. These fellas have absolutely no harmonic sense. They can’t sing, the lead singer is yelling. They’re playing the same boring three chords over and over and over. The recording sucks. The lyrics are awful when you can understand them, if you can hear them. This song is about a decibel away from being noise. But

Oh right. Well in that case they’re both tragic pieces for strings, but I still don’t think they’re very similar beyond that. And even if they ARE similar and I’m just not hearing it, The Starkiller is still executed much better.

I’m not sure how you can listen to The Starkiller and in any way hear Anakin’s Dark Deeds. For one thing, it’s pure strings, whereas ADD leans heavily on the brass. For another, the strings part of ADD doesn’t really have much by way of similarity.

And Hawkeye is as strong as Falcon but that doesn't mean they're mirrors of each other

Yeah but that’s like saying that Ant-Man and Iron Man are both humans in hi-tech suits... it’s TRUE but misses the point

It still doesn’t compare for me to anything on the OT soundtracks

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“Hit you instantly”? So every song has to be booming bass and fanfare? Now THAT would be phoning it in. Thankfully, that’s not what Williams did.

Battle of the Heroes was pretty boring TBH. As was Across the Stars. And although I can’t tell you your own mind, I SUSPECT you might be misremembering exactly how long it took for certain songs to become iconic.

The Starkiller was a brilliant piece of tragic music and was absolutely fitting for the most impactful death in the franchise - listen to it and remember Han’s face as he realises that he's just been murdered by his own son.

Nah bro, Williams wasn’t phoning it in on Episode VII. Rey’s Theme, March of the Resistance, The Starkiller and even Kylo Ren’s theme are all worthy additions to that franchise’s soundscape. Just give it 40 years or so; they'll grow on you like the originals did

Thor and Loki don’t really mirror each other. One can fly, throws a hammer and summons lightning, while the other fights with daggers and spears and makes extensive use of illusions.

Let’s face it: if your movie starts with your hero strutting his stuff to a funky 70s classic, while dwarfed by the film’s title overhead, you just bought a lot of goodwill from the audience.

Let’s split the difference and agree that Iron Man has quite a few “theme” tunes, including Shoot to Thrill.

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Nah, that’s not Iron Man’s theme music!

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I could hum to you the main leitmotif from Ant-Man, because I have it on my “D&D atmosphere” playlist on Spotify. It’s good heist music.