Actually no, it’s a LOT more difficult to hear them if they’re facing away from you.
Actually no, it’s a LOT more difficult to hear them if they’re facing away from you.
It’s just that if he was talking about Flair-style robes, it’s possible he was being facetious and sarcastic in a “are you serious? Me, a heel? Can you even imagine?” way
And TBH maybe they’re right not to cater to us anymore. Back in the Attitude Era they had to go further and further to top what we had ever seen before. Not just with angles but with stunts. It was spectacular and we loved it but people DIED, like. But if you cater to kids... with kids, it’s always SOMEONE’S first…
Oh I’ve no doubt it would be controversial and there are reasons that he shouldn’t. I’m just saying that his babyface-ness is holding him back from living up to his highest potential.
I frickin’ hope so! Poison, as a type, has always been a bit underpowered and underrepresented.
Yeah Cena could be the GOAT if Vince would only let him turn heel for a while.
I’m honestly surprised that Pokémon Go doesn’t simply use your Mii and possibly your Miitomo outfit.
Police are supposed to identify themselves as police in order to avoid coming across as random psychos with guns. If you point a gun at me and tell me not to move but never say the words “arrest” or “police” I will absolutely assume you are just some random psycho
Kotaku and PA don't get along so every week Kotaku picks the shittest strip PA did that week in a pretty transparent attempt to make them look as low-quality as possible. The one you showed and the one about Pokemon Go were both funnier this week
Yeah but who knows what problems there are that most people DON’T know about, like that permissions thing on iOS that people only just noticed. I’m happy to let the other countries be the beta testers lol
Obviously Niantic/Nintendo were planning on rolling it out in smaller markets (or at least, markets projected to have fewer users) first and then when they were sure that the servers could handle it, Asia would get it. But then the phenomenal success absolutely blew their servers away and there’s no point releasing…
As a European, I'm pretty happy with my decision to not get the game until the official release so they can work out the kinks
Yeah, Ho-Oh is Lord of the legendary dogs. Lugia is Lord of the legendary birds.
lol ok
Good ol autocorrect!
Almost had me caring what consenting adults do in their love lives. Well played
Have you played Street Fighter?
Yeah hopefully I got it right; I was going off of memory