
FF has everything it needs to be good. Ben is a rock monster who despairs of ever being loved or having a family of his own or any kind of desirable future. Reed is a socially maladjusted savant who can understand quantum interactions but has trouble figuring out people. Sue is a woman on a team of overachievers whose

Shocker’s always been written interestingly. His appearance in She-Hulk’s comic was especially good:

Well if you can still play your PS2 and XB Original games online, let me know

But what if I'm filthy rich and just want my VR?

I haven’t read the comic myself, but for a person who was raised on an island where the only gender was female, wouldn’t the insult in “girl” - meaning young female - come from the “young” part, not the “female” part? As in, “where I come from, people as stupid/weak/immature as you are called girls, not women”?

Note: it’s not “reverse race-bending”, it’s still just “race-bending”.

You also have Hogun in Thor, Elektra, Madame Gao and Nobu in Daredevil and Colleen Wing in Iron Fist.

That’s not what Thor says at all. Thor says that magic and science are one and the same in Asgard. This could mean that their magic is just a sufficiently advanced science - or it could mean that they study magic like a science. Odin is able to whisper an enchantmnent into Mjolnir to make it contain Thor’s powers -

It could be worse.

Might wanna update this article with the fact that they’re apparently sisters, according to their mother.

Sounds to me like GG doesn’t feel secure in his relationship and that one day his girlfriend will wake up and no longer love him and break his heart, so he wants to put the relationship through a separation to see if that is indeed the case - if it’s destined to end, better that it end soon. That’s why he thinks he’ll

You use the word “minimal” twice in that post and in both instances I can’t help but wonder what your justification is.

That sounds absolutely amazing.

Yes we’re talking about when Kojima was casting for the role of Naked Snake in MGS3, so Hayter in fact HADN’T played him at that point yet. So I’d appreciate if you didn't insinuate that I don't know what I'm talking about, thanks.

Snake is a genetically modified clone of Big Boss. What his voice sounds like doesn’t necessarily relate to what BB sounds like, especially considering that your accent is determined by how you’re raised.

Recasting? In MGS3 the main character was Big Boss, who at that point had NEVER been voiced by ANYONE, let alone Hayter. Or should Solidus have been voiced by Hayter too?

For the record, the Russos have said that “67" was a random number they pulled out of their ass as a way of saying “a lot”. They’re tracking “a lot” of characters, and the board was just for tracking, so that they can avoid any continuity errors fridge logic. For example if there’s a bit in a particular building, they

On the other hand, Poo is the name of a Nintendo character from Earthbound.

Well, at least now you’re talking about my argument and not me. So the answer to your properly-asked question/suggestion is that of course it hasn’t shielded them from it, because everyone hasn’t done it. When I said everyone, I meant EVERYONE.