But the artist made Barret white.
But the artist made Barret white.
They just made it seem like it’s a rare thing to meet people in an online game and get married. People have been doing this since EQ1 is the point. I’m not trying ot take away from their happiness or whatever, just saying it’s nothing new.
And....just pulled my Amazon PS4 pre-order.
The front page right now has EVE: Online, Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, Street Fighter, Ark Survival Evolved, something about an EA exec, For Honor and Skyrim. You’re inability to click anything other than Overwatch is not the fault of the readers or staff of this website.
I also hate when video game blogs talk about video games.
We must push the payroll.
Stay out of hook range and dodge, headshot. I’m not saying it’s easy, but unless Hog gets the jump on you, 76 can duke it out with a Hog due to his speed and range.
Winston is played quite a bit in competitive. He’s not underpowered. You’re either playing him wrong or you’re encountering teams that happen to counter him. His winrate and pick rate are pretty decent. Not great like Rein, Roadhog or Zarya but he’s played in 24% of team compositions in competitive.
Like most people are commenting below 76 is already the strongest if anything he is going to get nerfed.
Solider’s arguably the best offensive character right now. He has both sustained and burst DPS modes, his heal is good enough to potentially pull off a 1 healer team depending on the situation, and an ult that is so powerful it’s literally a game-breaking hack in most other shooters. And unlike Genji, he has a very…
By love do you mean can soldier get some decent skins? He’s already the strongest dps in the game. If anything he needs a nerf
I’d like to see more characters have alternate ultimates like symmetra. I think it could tap into that project Titan MMO DNA. Bastion for example could have a sentry mode ultimate in the vein of torbjorns or something. There’s better ideas I’m just rattling off this comment before I finish pooping.
For the Colony!
That sucks that your brother is a douche.
Nobody threatened anyone. You’re moving the goalposts with hypothetical direct threats and racism when all the person quoted said was “I bought a game to kill people so I’m gonna do it.” Unbunch your panties and think for a second. He said “I bought a war game to kill people.” That’s literally the object of the…
It doesn’t need to “go away” because it’s just a video-game. So your brother is an asshole. He was an asshole before video games, before war, and he’s still an asshole now. There’s no surprise there, but it has nothing to do with this.
Not really, there were a lot of smaller instances of cooperation or at least respect between the opposing sides of the western front for most of December. The Christmas Truce itself was fairly widespread, although in terms of the size of the conflict itself, you could certainly consider it to be a “small” affair. …