
Threw her *through a door*?! I mean, there’s kids fighting and there’s kids demonstrating they’re likely going to become a wife-beater. Sounds like the brother is the latter.

To be fair, the public was also pretty “mean”. As was your hairstylist.

My only issue is that Sunny Hostin is Black. She is Puerto Rican. She’s a Black Latina. So, no Whoopi Goldberg is not the only Black woman on the show. Otherwise, carry on.

It’s nice to believe that the only thing preventing spoiled, tunnel-visioned Republicans from quitting everything is a handful of people not being mean enough to them.

That’s the thing that struck me the most - usually a person arguing someone was mean to them and they didn’t deserve it - would offer up at least SOME anecdote about how they were nice to that person to help show how the meanness was undeserved. This doesn’t even occur to Meghan.

She and Megyn Kelly should go cry into their millions together.

Someone needs to send her that poster about dysfunctional relationships: The only consistent feature of your dysfunctional relationships is you.

Snowflakes are a few shades darker than her. She’s nearly transparent.

Or when your mother lets tensions between you and your brother become so high without interfering that it results in your brother violently throwing you through a door... That’s shitty parenting, that’s what that is. That Cindy thought it was great is maybe a little bit of why Meghan is such an ass. Or why she is

Meghan is entitled and she does not view herself as entitled because she had been treated as the “Princess of Arizona” (as SNL said). She spoke about having postpartum anxiety that made the dynamics worse for her, and that’s single thing I can empathize with her. But throughout her time, she’s like a child carelessly

Can she do anything without mentioning her war criminal father?

Or, Cindy and Jon McCain ran a household in which physical violence was present and maybe have some complicity in their shitty kids being shitty?

I don’t... I just don’t care. Be mean to mean people. Fuck you, Meghan.

It’s entirely on-brand for Meghan McCain to not realize that people are being shitty to her because she’s being shitty to them. She’s the epitome of the person who doesn’t realize that she’s not just running into assholes all day: she’s the asshole.

what a snowflake

Christ, she is insufferable. I’d rather have days of root canal than to have to spend even five minutes in her company. And the show did have another conservative for a while--Abby Huntsman--and even Abby wasn’t here for Meghan’s BS.

Does this make her a snowflake? It does, right? Am I right?

I loved how on the show Meghan would complain about being the lone conservative voice on the show with Abby Huntsman sitting 2 chairs away from her. This girl was raised in a bubble, lives in a bubble and will almost certainly die in her bubble. But it’s nice to know that all the snark sent her way hurts, she deserves

I’m not gonna lie, I snorted at that. Meghan McCain trying to act all high and mighty but tripping over basic word usage is just *chef’s kiss.*

Yes, they buried the lede.. she was using meth and that can cause miscarriage.