
Right? Like see if the person shows actual contrition before potentially endangering their job. Seeing their position on LinkedIn doesn't fill the writer in on the 8-year gap they've had without contact with the person.

His children are NOT safe.

Oh my god. His smug face in this picture is enraging. I just want to set fire to him.

Yeah as you noted in a later comment, Moyo is also Jewish, so really the missed opportunity here is Jewish institutions uplifting the voices of and empowering Jews of Color who too often face racism from the mostly white, mostly Ashkenazi Jewish community (and also can face antisemitism from their other ethnic communit

Not to mention, if the Holocaust isn’t political, how the hell is “black people should be allowed to live” a political statement????

Would love to see Sacha Baron Cohen’s take on this.

Just read more about this (while looking to see where the Goulds’ worshipped; yes, I’m Jewish and being nosy) and Moyo is Jewish! WTF, people? This just kills me that they would prevent her from making the connection to Black lives! ARGH.

This is ridiculous. One of the missions of the National Holocaust Museum in D.C. is speaking out about genocide around the world, which would include the treatment of Black people in this country. I’ve been there when they had huge exhibits of the plight of the Sudanese (prior to the creation of So. Sudan). The

“I saw a presentation from the center about bail bonds and I’m thinking, ‘What does that have to do with Holocaust education?’” Gould told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. “We donate to anything that helps educate people about the horrors of the Holocaust, as long as it is apolitical.”

And this is why, while of course I

Nah, we know her answer, the audience knows her answer, and Drew is not qualified to properly refute whatever bullshit she would have spewed. The woman feels no shame and it would have just provided a platform for whatever conspiracy theory about COVID vaccines she decided to latch on to (if I had to guess, either the

I found his comment exceedingly endearing. He wants babies with this woman that look like her because he loves her so much and he can’t wait.  He’s a blond babyface, she is Asian, so why should he not use Sean Lennon as an aspirational example of what he wants his progeny to look like?  I am on the non-creepy side of

Hopefully it was just said with enthusiasm and love. It isn’t wrong to be excited at the idea of your biological child sharing attributes with your partner. The fact that he described his hypothetical progeny as “Sean Lennon’s”, really took away anything creepy about it for me.

I love skincare! For a new skincare routine you want to start simple and build on it as you find what works & what you like. For dry, “older” skin--

Now playing

As it happens I was just today surfing YouTube for skincare videos, and I enjoyed a few by these dermatologist guys:

I can’t speak to comparing the three, but I can share about hyaluronic acid’s ability to plump up skin well. I actually found it about it here on Jez, people posted about Cerave products and how youthful their skin looked after using the face wash and moisturizer with hyaluronic acid. I use the face wash, it’s almost

What kind of dumbass leaves a woman as kind, supportive, and loyal as Scott???

Harry absolutely did the right thing. He needed to protect his wife and his children—he had seen what the press did to his mother. He did the right thing.

The Times article read like a gothic novel, with people falling to pieces, quitting their jobs, shaking uncontrollable at the thought of facing Markle, terrified to pick up the phone, weeping all over the place... at what? A mean girl? Or did Markle chase them around with a mace she yanked off a wall, or give them a

I have such a strong suspicion that Megan’s “bullying” was really just the difference between the way American’s talk and British people talk, in general.

Likewise, I suspect that British diffidence made it so that they never gave her a clear outline of what she did that was read as bullying to the staff, which meant

Fuck that entire toxic institution. It’s 2021. It’s long past time to get rid of an institution that gives an enormous amount of power, privilege and wealth to people purely because of an accident of birth.