Imagine being a woman who underwent thoracic surgery performed by him? Will there be someone who assisted him in surgery who will come forward and have tales to tell?
Imagine being a woman who underwent thoracic surgery performed by him? Will there be someone who assisted him in surgery who will come forward and have tales to tell?
I remain perplexed by the repeated re-election of Kay Ivey.
This absolutely confirms in my opinion that Alito was responsible for leaking the draft. He did it to bring Roberts in line who was wavering on yea or nay.
These complications if not addressed immediately can result in sterility as well.
What pleasantly surprised me was that when Siwa came out, that the mammasphere created barely a blip in protest. I was expecting an earthquake of condemnation.
Her last husband was found dead in the bathtub just last November.
After seeing multiple taped up mons, I was hoping to see a duct taped dick.
The model in the center photo looks as if she's already apprehensive about the tape being torn off.
You KNOW that the child’s name will be dragged through the mud. It WILL happen.
Its a joke
It’s Texas brand justice. All bad ass... Except when it really counts.
Cardi was great with Letterman on his new Netflix season.
I’ve been feeling lost and rudderless these past few months. Just really sinking fast. Every day I wake up and read or hear something worse than the day before. Compassion, complex thinking, addressing the root problem and vowing to solve something as dire as maternal mortality...
Laura Bassett, thank you for writing this news in a kind, sensitive way. I too had a similar situation... Announcing way too early a pregnancy that sadly resulted in miscarriage.
Elon Musk and his hand gestures. A regular Stephen Miller.
Interesting article. I took BCPs to relieve migraines brought on by progesterone deficiency. It worked in my case.
Reading these comments, I feel like a neglectful parent but I guess I'll live with it. My kids continued to be free range with my blessing.
The woman on the left in the photo looks "thrilled" doesn't she?
Thank you for this updated information. I truly appreciate it.