Are you anti-capitalism?
Are you anti-capitalism?
Active shooter, and a man hiding and running from police? MB has no rational reason to fear the police in this situation. I think a reasonable police officer could believe he was a suspect. Are threats about blowing his head off necessary, probably not.
A lack of Father figures is a real problem. As is the shunning of successful African Americans, and the typical exodus of the successful to other communities. Those are not racist observations.
Is there something wrong with saying children need a positive and present male in figure in their lives?
Do the numbers on 700k. Federal and Provincial. I get around 42 percent. Damn near half, before considering sales tax.
Do the numbers on 700k income in BC. I get 42% of income going to government. Does not include 12% sales tax. Why would anyone earning that much live there?
Canadian healthcare is not high quality. The richest Canadians typically seek private care in the US, often from Canadian trained doctors.
Give it a few generations. When the best and brightest ( highest paid) people continue to funnel the brain drain south, who will you have to lead your country? Bubbles?