
You mean 2012. And 129 million voted in that election. He lost liberals who wanted Wall Street brought to task and eviromentolists you wanted offshore drilling stopped as well as first time black youth voters. That was to be expected. They didn’t show up this time either. That happens when you don’t deliver.

STFU you repugnant “know nothing of the people of which you speak” Republicans cretin. Go troll someone who cares what you think.

Oh puleeeeze. The Rich will never give anything to the working class white or otherwise. It about maintaining rich, white male control. Tag and bag your argument. it’s DOA.

Never ceases to amaze me just how out of touch some Americans can be. That is where Trump won this election. White America felt oppressed and said as much. Their candidate spoke their language and won the White House.

And that is why you lost. Bernie was the Progressive Democrats choice. We out number neoliberals and if losing an election you should have won was the only way to effect be it. Get withvthe program or get left behind.