Downton Flabby
Downton Flabby
Does anyone else want to slap that fucking mouth-guard out of Curry’s mouth as hard as you possibly can?
No. Two words: No. Rebounding.
Let me guess. All these workers should join a union.
And that change must be a leftward push towards economic equality, social equality, and, most importantly, towards building a democracy that functions in the way that democracies should—by distributing power to everyone, not letting it be controlled by the few.
Can you show me successful pure communism at a large scale?
If you have two terrible products, do you then blame consumers when they do not buy either?
Because the combination of limp-wristed, disorganized socialists and Manicheistic communists is what actually created the opportunity for Nazis to take power in 1933 the first place.
This is why all players should carry a basilisk fang with them at all times. Just in case.
Belichick returned the compliment with three grunts, a snort, and a sort of low guttural hum
When will we ever learn that demonizing a group of people, an idea, or an object always backfires.
He is not Mussolini or Hitler. You kids need to stop with that shit. We do not live in a fucking communist country. Grow the fuck up, and use your voice to improve our politics not take them down to a junior high level.
It’s probably the least surprising thing here, but it’s pretty impressive how few people are actually understanding what you wrote and what you’re talking about.
So close.
Psst...word on the turf is that they’re the same island!
$10 that tomorrow’s NYP back cover is “CAST AWAY!!!”
He’s just promoting his new game.
This could have been her entire article.
“I’m still here, I’m still making videos, nice try Wall Street Journal. Try again, motherfuckers.”