Brass Tacks

Like Wesley Snipes’ accountant, I have nothing. As a man of the Negro persuasion, I take my showers at home, because YT men always wanna hold naked conversations and get dressed from the top down. All I see out of the corner of my eye is a polo, angora socks, and what I wish was a pink satchel. I have neither the time

You can shower and put your clothes back on. You can not shower and just wear your gym clothes out. You can’t not shower and the put your clothes back on, nasty

Also shoutout to Jamie Foxx’s Mark IV Hairline

For every Amare Stoudemire, there’s a old white guy who will stand butt ass naked and try and talk about the Celtics game

I never shower at the gym. I live 10 minutes away and am usually going right back home after my class.

“No one showered in high school. You practiced or played in a game, you put your school clothes back on, and then you went to Burger King.”

“But stop inviting everybody to the motherfucking cookout. Love yourself and respect your blackness a little bit more.”

You’re wrong man. Dead wrong. We’re in a new neighborhood now. Let it go. LOL


“(Thinks back to Breakfast Civil Wars of days past.)“

It really is dumbfounding.

They could seriously just call them “plenty” and stop lying to folks.

Can we talk about “Mexican Candy”? That shit makes me want to rethink building the border wall.

Oh I know of this evil. I left them out because I thought I had made them up. But clearly it wasn’t a dream :(

This whole week y’all have just been making me heavily regret not going to an HBCU. If I could go back, I’d go black.

“Do they really think women sit around and plot on how they are going to marry us, have children with us, have us cheat on them\commit domestic violence\pull some other bullshit and then file for divorce...all to get half of that 1993 Toyota Celica and 30$ a paycheck from a measly low wage job? I seriously don’t get

That trailer was so Black, it made wypipo say, “but what about Captain America?”

Bear with me as I try to phrase this correctly....

It creates a truly authentic NFL experience when the fans can get CTE as well.

I think the real issue here is... who the fuck voluntarily wears glasses like these?