Brass Tacks

20. On Fresh cut day I can probably get Riri to do a double take. Not much more mind you, but i’ll take it.

Thanks for the clarification. Because your initial write up had me befuddled.

It was sorta moist towelett-ish of you, Bro. I actually read the article and assumed you contracted some no name to cause a barn fire.

Dwight was/is/ and always will be a goof. Didn’t take the game seriously when he was at his apex, and now wants us to respect his supremely mediocre play.

Almost Googled “flaccid chicken”, but then, I thought better of it.

Ohh a good one!

Wow...Lawrence and Aparna smashed? I called it when they were chatting on the roof.

This was a dope read. I always heard stories about the struggle of freelance writers getting their coinage (the part about black publications and wages, I hope you delve more into in the future) and this is real insight into the struggle.

I watched all of Sundays games. Not only did I watch...I enjoyed them.

Black Album is a masterful album. I simply sub “Ignorant shit” for “Justify my Thug” being that it was pulled from the album last minute.

*Places two squirts of Jergens in palm; rubs furiously and proceeds to type.*


Whut it do, P? What the lick read?



Todd got to see what them yams was like? Was it everything I dreamed of? Agatha seems like she’s into kinky things and she’s givin me Robin Givens circa ‘92 vibes.