Phat Barkley

“Magaryan” sounds like the surname of a guy who sells Mazdas on the Brand Boulevard of Cars in Glendale

You assertion is incorrect. There is such a thing as a flying car. The existence of wings might make it an airplane, but that doesn’t make it not a car. You have already conceded that a vehicle can be two different vehicles by asserting that there can be a helicopter which is also an airplane. There can be, and have

Flying cars DO exist:

I noticed that the whole poster doesn’t feature any feet...

When Steve Rogers was getting wrecked by Thanos and he muttered “Martha” and Thanos was like ‘what did you say? that’s my mothers name’.... holy shit balls

Ah yes, the guy who is “confident” enough to “tell it like it is.” Also known as generally being an asshole.

Hey! You can’t complain about Deadspin complaining about the unwritten rules of baseball. That’s, that’s,... that’s against the unwritten rules of Deadspin commenting. Act like you’ve been here before!

This nerd can’t beat anyone.

The part with the guy describing what happened in his yard...

can’t wait until 2022, when Apple announces they’ve invented a way for you to plug your headphones directly into the phone

The reaction

These colors don’t run.... on any world cup pitch.

Big year for this dude. Roseanne goes back on the air and now this


I love how most republicans who have all this “respect” for the military were errily silent when Trump was trashing McCain for being a POW. “I like people who weren’t captured” he said of McCain. He then went on to insult the gold star family.

The cognitive dissonance is astounding.

Another thing he has in common with Bartolo: A hard working belt.

Yeah but, his brown shirt was impeccably pressed...

I like TFA

I’m Team Meteor.