Erick Brassfield

Quick check = HS is in Fresno.

The 2ND line in this article explained that the real perpetrator confessed in 2002. I bet you skipped right past that, didn’t you?

So much to unravel here. who are these “people trying to expose child rapes” ? You and some other fat rednecks from Alabama? How exactly do you go about exposing child rapes? do you watch them happen and then call the police? Do you have your friends tell you about their acts? Do you go around following pedophiles ?

According to your comment history, apparently your league is apologizing for white people. You’re right I’m not in that league. You asked about the admission. I told you. False confession. No DNA. The cops played them against each other. Incorrect crime scene description. These are what you call facts.
Work on your

Four of the five boys falsely confessed. no DNA linked them to the scene of the crime, and their descriptions of the victim’s clothing and injuries didn’t match the crime scene.

-1 for lack of reading comprehension

The people with the LEAST athletic skills tend to be the most emotionally evocative sports fans. They are the same people that say “we won” when their team won. Out of all the people that whine about “participation trophies”, a huge chunk of them sit their fat asses on the couch, yell at the TV, and then take credit

The document had no legal standing, but was offered to the public as a “rebuke” to Nancy Ryan, the deputy chief of the Trial Division for the Manhattan District Attorney, in her motion to vacate all criminal convictions of the Five .

It’s vanilla garbage like you that give white people a bad name. Kindly go fuck off.

Got a Kan Jam two years ago. Pretty fun game. But just like cornhole, you can make your own for half the cost.

Got a Kan Jam two years ago. Pretty fun game. But just like cornhole, you can make your own for half the cost.

How about drop the hypotheticals and use what you want, choose your own operating system, hardware, etc... oh wait, you can’t do that because you are helpless sheep bound to Apple’s every whims. 

What a joke. Everything apple does is dumb, and locks their users into proprietary OS/hardware where you have no control or ownership. What do apple users do when meeting this issue? Complain, and buy more apple. I have no sympathy for you people who act like the abused partner in the relationship.

Guess what? Most fat or un-athletic people watch a lot of sports, and when they refer to their home team the say “we”. As in “we won”. No. hell no. sit your ass on the couch and say “they won, and I sat on my ass on the couch and yelled”

You also get less mileage and your speedometer will be off.

“immersive narrative experience” . What that means is I will be forced to watch a pointless video for a few minutes that I can’t skip through, and I’m supposed to be drawn in by “life-like” characters. No. I don’t want that shit. I just want to get into team deathmatch and shoot people, a damn storyline changes

“It looks like its moving because the camera is moving” ? Are you serious? Do you really have such a simplistic view on how multiple radar/tracking/locking systems work? If that’s how it really worked, then they would have difficulty locking onto a moving flying object while the camera is moving.. which is.. umm..

How old are you? I’m not trying to pre-judge, but I’m wondering if the reason why this is seemingly popping up in the younger generation could be due to the lack of person to person contact anymore. If you grow up using technology , texting, etc. as your first point of contact with someone, it’s a whole different ball

What the fuck is it with people who get in their cars and record videos of themselves talking? Can they not find a better place to do it? Are they too embarrassed to say the same shit in their own house?

All of that stems from insecurity.. which stems from the size of their manhood. dudes with BDE don’t need all that shit to feel confident about themselves.

WTF is up with people recording videos in their cars? I seriously do not get that. Can you not think of another place to do that shit? What does someone think.. “How can i look professional? Oh i know, go sit in my car and record myself ranting with a cellphone”