Erick Brassfield

Uber drivers are independent contractors. If they really think driving people around in their car is a job and they’re “getting screwed” and can make more money... then just fucking register your car as a cab and get a business license and make the money you whine about not getting.

People have access to the internet

Multiple people fainted in 80+ degree heat? That is the definition of a snowflake. 

Might want to look up the word “disingenuous”, as well. Misspelling words, using words incorrectly, and making incorrect guesses about someone isn’t a real effective way of debating. 

Kids listen to pop music. Game of Thrones is pop TV. Just like modern country music, and shows like Curse of Oak island. Formula. Formula. Formula. Remember when there used to be NEW genres of music? Every few years you would actually see original artistic changes in direction? There is no new music now, it is

You’re wrong on both counts. Thanks for playing, kiddo. “You’re” definitely in the group I’m talking about =)

The same amount of “blocking” involved if a giant penis was inserted via CGI. You make an animation. You have x number of frames to pull off an animation and you are constrained to x and y proportions. Math isn’t hard. What makes you think this is something fancy and/or difficult?

Millenials being wowed by something they see on TV and think is innovative and original are the same group that think new music is good and original. When they have no historical knowledge to pull from, everything is a big wow.

Highland Ranch is 82% white, conservative leaning, and has 2x the annual household income of average Colorado city.

So a rich white conservative enclave is the target of a mass shooting and kids are chanting “mental health”.

I think I know where the mental health problem is.

Start with his 8 year old sister and then re-check your outrage.

Naw, you’s a Becky

Candace Owens is what the Tomi Lahrens reincarnate as. 

“ Kallie “ is exactly the name you would expect a wife to have that sits there with a camera recording her husband kill a black man for looking at the sink.

“The attacker arrived minutes after our minor daughters arrived”

It is not legally possible for a man to be “raped”. It would be classified as sexual assault.

There’s something white with the world this is the first reply”

Fixed it for you.

Using your phone in a movie? He took all those pictures even before planning to share them? Yeah you’re just a douche.

edit: Child does child-like thing to get back at another child-like thing.

Now playing

There’s a reason why comments are disabled in this video. Now do me a favor, close your eyes and hit “next” and listen to the next modern country song.

Guess what, its all garbage. You can just tell this is garbage because the dude is a slovenly ugly mofo. Put a cowboy hat and a puka shell necklace on some random white

“In 2017, for example, the band performed 50 times in six countries and 41 U.S. cities, an increase from the 32 shows it performed in 2016. In late 2017, the band released its sixth album, and is in the process of recording a seventh.” 

THIS is the #1 reason I hate modern country music. this guy and his band sound like

Taylor Swift so white they made me put her on the white list.

You can build and paint a cornhole setup for $40, its incredibly simple.

You can build and paint a cornhole setup for $40, its incredibly simple.

Hi Fortran, nice to meet you, I’m Pascal. I got a C+ in my VB class though.