
Steve Harvey was in charge of the site today.

What gamer tag did you pick out for them? MommiezBoy and MommiezBoyToo? Boom.

Way to ruin the joke. You must be fun at comedy shows and gay weddings. Boom.

I was going to put up some lights but there's a bunch of skeletons in my lawn. Oh well. They look good next to the broken mailbox full of stimpaks that I haven't needed after being shot by raiders.

Well I believe I overheard somewhere that THE FORCE AWAKENS. Maybe that's an explanation.

Are you the Knave? Be honest.

I hope he’s still getting checks from his gig portraying Opie on Sons of Anarchy..,

Ehrlich Bachmann?

Oh that Deacon. I did that too though. Walked around nude until someone commented on it.

I didn't think under armor combined with Power Armor.

It’s hard to say Preston is the worst because it feels racist, but then be disses Strong as “one of those” and it's like... Meh. He's just a dick.

Totally! That’s my stimpak!

Same. I just scrap Gauss guns now.

Brady just ended a 34 year love of the Patriots. As a new englander born and bred I find this appalling. I guess I need to be a Colts fan now...

It's too big to be a space station.

You said underwater shaft.

R2-D2, it is you! It is you!

Sweet. And the Duck Hunt dog? He must be DLC too.

Where is Nestor?