brantly carlyle

Every situation is different. If someone is abducting a child, you don’t shoot because you may got the child. But if someone is trying to car jack you, you can defend yourself with a gun. You do take a risk when your carry a gun, but much of that risk is negated if you use your head. The best way to stay out of a bad

What I’m saying is don’t involve yourself in physical altercations while carrying. You have a weapon that can kill. Unless your life is being threatened, it should never come out. Getting into a fight, or breaking one up, you’re a lot more likely to have your gun exposed, which can cause some serious problems and

Seriously, this is bullshit. Northeastern, BU, Emerson, and more are all in “urban” centers around Greater Boston so by this guy’s logic those campuses should be war zones.

PSU says this is the first campus-officer involved shooting since the 2015 policy change.”

I never could understand why campus police ever needed sidearms. We fought this for years at a local university. The cops eventually prevailed and got their guns. Now they’re even conducting traffic stops in the local community, which just burns me. Power trip with no good end. 

Let me preface, Mr Washington did not deserve to get shot, he was only trying to break up a fight. If you carry a gun (I do), you cannot put yourself into situations like this, for this exact reason. Not saying it should happen, just saying it will, this being an example. If you have a gun on your person, you are a

i believe you use words that you know not what they mean. it is not literally the first sentence.

Looking at the body language of those two tubs-of-shit cops, it’s clear they are in way over their heads. They’re incredibly passive and have lost any authority they might’ve had. The fact that they immediately open fire after yelling “Gun” shows how unprepared they are to be police officers. They belong in jail.

“[...] outside a sports bar early Friday morning.”

“Campus safety is our top priority at PSU,” said Shoureshi. “As you know, we are an urban campus, and that presents challenges. We work hard to provide an environment at PSU that is safe and welcoming.”

No, “Drop the weapon” or “On the ground” Just blew him away.


Knuckle dragging HS dropouts with too much power and too much lethality.

University of Minnesota is integrated with Minneapolis, yet they don’t have campus police gunning veterans down in the streets over a bar fight.

This is a terrible attempt to justify a bad shooting. So what if your college is in an urban area. Texas A&M is the town in College Station and I guarantee bar fights happen. UNC Chapel Hill is Chapel Hill and bar fights happen on Franklin Street. Norman, OK has a bar fight every night and day (probably now) and that

The man doesn’t even live in the community himself 

Church. That’s the part that’s got me SMH. YOU just admitted you were part of a harem, and now you acting like you’re the chosen one.

She isn’t mad about Kevin, he is the subject but not the issue. Torrei was very clear about why she was upset here. Eniko dragged Torrei into a very public attempt to defend herself, when she could’ve found a way not to bring her up, or just not responded at all. She doesn’t owe anyone on Instagram of all places an

Payback is a you- know- what.

She legit thinks she’s the exception!

Right? Like, does she hear herself or is she really so delusional that she thinks she’s an exception to the rule?

Eniko. Girl. “Knowing damn well there were other women during their marriage” is like, maybe something you don’t want to be gloating about in your IG post about your marriage to this man.