
Men's fashion has been in a huge upsurge in the past 10 years. "dress like your 10" was the style in the 90s (as shown in that clueless scene). Now suits, vests, and cardigans have become essential items for men while in the 90s they would be laughed at for trying too hard. It used to be that you'd put a lot of effort

I guess the rape storyline is meant to bring some intrigue to the usual boring Anna/Bates marriage, but her motivation for keeping it a secret was so lame ("Mr. Bates would kill him! So let's have my rapist walk free…")
I found the singer storyline to actually be interesting - how do you treat someone who is hired

He's the biggest name in the cast, so he gets a nomination. The Globes are all about bringing big names to their show, and they have no reservations about giving undeserved awards for it.
But I like Samberg, and he showed some great comedy muscle (the suit strut and the crying pushups).

If this show was 1 hour of Maggie Smith making snarky quips it would be much more satisfying.

I see her as bad at patient care because of her poor social skills but probably smart and good at research. I really see her biggest flaw as the way she treats her underlings. Most doctors treat their nurses much nicer than TV likes to portray because they know how much their lives would suck if the nurses didn't like

Local news don't have experts. They have an interview from some mouth breather they found on the street. "I think a kitten's like a small cat? And I know cats don't like water. So I guess this a serious situation."

His "I'm an aduuuuult' meltdown was the most annoyed I've been at the character

This site re-design is so confusing. I somehow stumbled into r/atheism on reddit

An AV club commenter that is a professor and has a wife shatters my pre-conceived notions of AV club commenters

I found him one of the least likable since he basically was MacFarlane's mouthpiece to express his own superiority

I thought this was the worst episode of the season. The characters weren't interesting (she's the tough sister that fist bumps while she's the motherly sister (with bonus child that doesn't speak!)) and the governor was less interesting than before. Which made me even more annoyed that it looks like next week is

It's as if the name was made simply for that pun

Getting trapped on a couch watching some shitty TV that everyone else seems to know about (I've seen so much UFC) really resonated with me.

Super fun night just doesn't stick with me. I couldn't tell you any of the characters names and have to think to remember any jokes, and I don't think it's made me laugh once. It's a shame, because I wanted to like it for Rebel Wilson.

Why did I feel nothing when a sleeping man had his throat chewed through but felt a pang in my heart when Rick cut the pig's leg?

I thought the burned bodies was someone who wanted to get rid of the flu thing, so they took it on themselves to quarantine

I thought DirecTV was super convenient and free when you moved. That's what their commercials say, why they lie?

I think the intro of this review really had nothing to do with the episode, and it was just placed in there because of that movie you just say

Rebel Wilson's new show is already kind of doing that

The family dish ended up being cook whatever you want. I like how Jessie incorporated Georgia staples in her dish, but others like Natasha seemed to just make what they pleased.