This episode was definitely one of my favorites. I loved the denouement at the end with all the characters watching the same movie and unifying.
This episode was definitely one of my favorites. I loved the denouement at the end with all the characters watching the same movie and unifying.
I've only seen a few episodes of Man In High Castle, but isn't the lack of black characters kind of a plot point? In the pilot it seemed implied the neutral zone was the only place black people could be safe
That's not their intention at all. They are showing that people being happy is a beautiful thing. It has nothing to do with LGBT people being superior, and if that's how you read it that says more about you.
I get why she was caught off guard but she was expecting to work there so she should have still had an idea of what type of stories she would be doing
I won't forgive for cutting the SPEW subplot. While superfluous in the overall plot I think it's crucial to understanding Hermoine's character and the intrinsic prejudice of the wizarding world
I think this didn't work for me because 'beta testing an uncharted technology' is such a lazy set up and doesn't really fit into the theme of the show, which is about technology interacting with our lives.
For a hot second I thought this meant Please Like Me was cancelled because I'm dumb and don't understand business. I never watched pivot because I'm the millennial that watched it online, so I guess this is all my fault
I kinda liked the name, loved the show. Where is the safe space for fun wordplay?
That actually seems like a complement since Olenna is the best
I can't see how anyone can resent the show. I'm not sure why they decided not to do the Lady Stoneheart thing, but really it's Martin's fault that they can't rely on the source material anymore
Fookin Jon Snow bout to bring some justice to OllyFuckBoi
Actually a lot of medical doctors are really bad with finances, especially the ones that come from privileged backgrounds like Mindy. Most of them don't have a real paycheck until they're 30 and then most of their financial energy goes into paying their debt and not into retirement and investing.
I was waiting for them to mention it at some point. Sue was home at the end of the episode so she could've given them a ride to pick up the cars.
Warning Video Store Nostalgia
I remember when my mom cried in a Hollywood Video to get out of a $50 late fee. She then started laughing about it as we were driving home. Good times
Gosh, remember Sanjaya?
It's a shame Harry Connick Jr was only brought in when the show was already dead, I think he's a great host (based on the 5 or 10 minutes I've seen)
Remember that episode of Spongebob where he keeps ripping his pants and it stops being funny? That's what this is like
This argument is what irked me about that whole controversy. Sansa being raped doesn't mean she can't still be badass. And she still had a lot of agency through the rest of the season.
That's not all that weird to me, I know my sister's password because I always help her set up stuff on the computer. A lot of people use stuff like birthdays that those close to you can at least guess
Your argument seems to be on the sanctity of the EPSY's (because they're on the same level as Nobel prizes…) but you're insistence on using the pronoun 'he' and repeating that it was a choice shows you don't really understand what means to be trans and why it was courageous.