
In some parts of the world, ruin porn is a big part of the local economy. People will pay good money to see a nice ruin.

Detroit has no shortage of vacant or soon to be vacant acreage; it’s got to be the most falling-down city in the USA. Besides the cost of cleaning up asbestos and other industrial waste, the thing that's kept these buildings standing so long is that no one wants the land under them.

What sucks is that so many formerly wonderful buildings like these meet their demise because people decide to go in and vandalize the shit out of them. I’ve watched so many urban exploration videos where some building has been abandoned for maybe only a year or so and is already utterly trashed.

 Its a real shame.

I think we should all chip in and buy this property for David Tracy to store his Jeep collection and start a museum.

As the resident ( I think only) actual honest-to-goodness Train Conductor on the Jalop message board, I’ll comment on a few things here:

I have the same perception. I mean, how is their model at all conducive to doing even the simplest of due diligence when purchasing a vehicle? Aye, there’s the rub - they assume that no one wants to.

7 day return policy? Great... it’s not like you’re taking a pair of shoes back to Sears.

Yup, I’m old (56), know a bit

Well that explains why it seems like all Russian cars look like this before they leave the dealership.

Hearing about the state of it my thought was, while it only had 10,000 miles, at least one of those miles was directly into a solid object.


They have a seven day return policy. The buyer should have used it. It has low mileage? Probably crashed and sat if he’s finding other damage. 

Why would you knowingly accept a car with defects and then KEEP it after the delivery person literally drops it on the ground?

Pretty sure the only thing that is going to make some people happy is if they define a planet as the “things I was taught were planets when I was ten”. 

We're just a moon of the Sun.

Any system that would classify moons of planets as “planets”, is dumb.

I’ve been making the same argument right here for years.
Kinja is a peer-reviewed publication right?

Greatly depends on the vehicle. My ‘02 Lexus IS300 SportCross with 288,000 miles has had all the following:

First: from a QA perspective? “Re-writing mainline software on the fly” to code your way around chip issues? Is a terrible strategy that wouldn’t fly in a real company.

Until they stopped production a few years ago you could have driven the Sentra over the border and come back with a B13 Tsuru.

Let this be a warning that just because you’re able to register and drive something in your state does not mean that it’s federally compliant. The feds can—and possibly will—seize it at any time.

Will look awesome as a crumpled up cube when it is crushed by the feds.