Agreed. Convertibles are overrated. People from outside this city think about our weather and think they’ll be driving around with the top down 24/7. Gets old fast.
Agreed. Convertibles are overrated. People from outside this city think about our weather and think they’ll be driving around with the top down 24/7. Gets old fast.
No. I’m going to go with the substantial evidence that points to there being low—not nonexistent—risk of transmission onboard an aircraft.
Yes. I’ve made the gamble more than once recently (incidentally, on 777s). Masked up, empty seats in between pax, filtered air... I felt a hell lot safer there than I did at the grocery store I stopped at on my way home from the airport.
That’s true. I wasn’t clear. It’s about 50/50 outside and recirculated.
I’ve flown transatlantic twice in the past two weeks, and I felt far safer on the plane than I did anywhere else.
Says he was born in Germany, so presumably he’s a German national.
Several daily flights between the U.S. and the EU at the moment. Borders are closed on both ends for general traffic, but there are plenty of exceptions that permit travel.
The science isn’t with you there. Airplane cabins are probably one of the safest (public) places to be at the moment. Cabin air is entirely replaced every few minutes, and it’s filtered through the heavy-duty stuff.
Leave it to Jalopnik to somehow contrive a headline that makes GM look like the bad guy in this story.
I’ve been told that flying in Alaska is a bit of a wild west experience (there are stories about unlicensed pilots, etc). I’d be interested to hear from someone who operates in that area.
And not at all surprising.
You seem like you know what you’re talking about. How dare you - get out of here!
Simple enough for me.
...I think I’ll stick to WeatherTech, thanks.
Based on my understanding of the PPP loan docs, probably wouldn’t even need to claim it as an error...
I wouldn’t bet on it. PPP is ripe for fraud, and there’s way too much money that has been given away for Uncle Sam to exercise oversight that’s even remotely adequate.
I, too, start law school next month.
Credit check (even soft) for a car rental? I’ve never heard of that. That’s nuts. But makes sense, I guess.
Here in Los Angeles, one unit of publicly-financed homeless housing costs $600,000.
Drives like shit? I don’t think so, considering what type of vehicle it is. What year and engine?