Price is ridiculous, but this is a beautiful car.
Price is ridiculous, but this is a beautiful car.
I’m the antitheses of this stereotype.
I’m amazed at the lack of comments about that F50.
The cities aren’t the County. The County has a not-insignificant budget surplus.
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
That’s a separate pot of money.
The notion that the County doesn’t have money for this is patently absurd. There has to be more to it.
Are you kidding? One of the world’s automotive titans has a downfall straight out of Hollywood and you think it’s boring?
Much obliged!
Well, that gig kicks ass.
I clicked *three* times before I realized why it was opening an image instead of loading more comments.
...are you reading the same website that I’ve been reading for the past decade?
Sure, you’re right - there’s a lot more competition now, for one. They’re no longer the only game in town.
That’s because it looks like crap.
More GND fantasies from City Hall.
Did you import it yourself? How hard’s maintenance/parts/etc?