
As much as I hate to admit it, I was impressed with this. Had the hatch as a rental a few weeks ago when I was overseas. For the money, it’s great.

Super interesting, actually - thanks!

Yeah, those two. My understanding—I may well be wrong—was that either can grenade with virtually no warning, and if that happens (which is more likely than not) you’re screwed.

Oh, no need to convince me of how great it is. I’d love one. 

As much as I love these, you’d have to be insane to buy one. 


Why? I haven’t heard of any major issues with these.

Imagine selling these in the States for off-road use only. It’d be awesome. 

LAX and ATL aren’t going to win awards anytime soon, but they’re perfectly competent airports.

Seems pretty obvious to me: it’s an olive branch to local governments, designed to take some wind out of the sails of the anti-rideshare crowd.

You seem to conveniently forget the zoning rules that artificially inflate the cost of land.

If “Big Brother” is keeping folks off airplanes (and therefore making the security line shorter, which is what I’m paying for) I’m all for it. 

Spirit now participates in PreCheck.

Why would a claim be rejected? The car got trashed.

That’s the first thing that came to my mind.

The money they have is irrelevant, but if they’re Jalopnik readers you’d think they’d have an idea of what they want.

According to Adams, “I haven’t got much sleep since the reoccurring night terrors and waking up anxious and afraid I’m alone locked up someplace dark.” Maybe Air Canada can look into compensating for some therapy.

Thanks for the heads up. Just checked, and I don’t qualify for that one, either.

Damn it. I’m not eligible. My battery life has gone to hell in a hand basket over the past year, I need it the bloody thing replaced.

Yeah, sure thing.