Brandybuck Snugglesnatch

You worked on this design? So basically you killed Anton Yelchin? Good job, dude, a lot of lawyers will get very rich thanks to you and your colleagues.

At first, I found a bit fascinating that Sweden of all countries was the only one that wasn’t 110% white people (featuring two black athletes, even) but then I noticed Jordan Burroughs. Clothes so WASPy that I cannot even tell who’s wearing them.

“but you’re not publishing books on the national and international level of”

Jezebel wrote “That isn’t of any interest to me,” Jones told SI. “The only interesting thing to me right now is winning a basketball game.” and it’s clear in both articles what“that” refers to (the online rumors). You seem to be the only one here who’s only using the first sentence, so no wonder you’re misled.

You’re expecting some fucking sense from the the group who turned into the biggest joke on the Internet roughly zero point two seconds after someone first wrote the sentence “it’s about ethics in videogame journalism”?

Strangely enough, I don’t care what you think either.

Comic book nerds are pretty funny, though. Just witness the “actually, it’s more like infinite soft-boots in 1988 when they merged the reality universes from the zinc era with ...“ herp derp that has already appeared in this thread. (No offense to comic book nerds, I’m sure you’re good folks. You’re fucking funny,

Reboots is what happens when your creative output is controlled by MBAs. It’s like the new year signups for gyms; there’d be one every fucking day if the guys looking at the last line could just figure out how to pull it off.

“higger nater”? I think we’ve found this thread’s one true edgelord...