Brandy B

I know, she peed on him amd then climbed back on top of him after they spoke but they never actually showed us they got it in, it was insinuated. I am not sure at this time why Ragnar would have denied him. He laughed back in Kattegat like she was crazy for saying that when someone mentioned she had a son claiming it

There is no way Magnus is King Aethelwulf’s son, he never slept with the queen until the child was a toddler and he had returned to bring them to Wessex. When he went the first time to make her sign that aggreement for his father, he fought off her advances, the child was a baby. 

I think the point everybody is missing here is that celebrities love to tell all of us what WE are doing wrong and how WE need to make changes to save the enviroment yet they don't practice what they preach because it inconveniences their jet setting lives. So to scold Trump for blowing off the climate report is a bit

The part that gets left out us where ANTIFA was spraying people with mace who were walking past them which is why these scuffles broke out. Have ya ever heard the saying ya get back what you put out there? If you go around macing people because you don’t like their ideas then you deserve a boot in your backside. You

This is why you don’t “believe all women”....because some women will make some crap up for some reason. Unfortunately it’s a slap in the face to women like myself who have suffered a sexual assault. I hate women like this.

One more thing, your question “Is it even legal for them to refuse us”....she refused your dog and yes, it is. Their health certificate is worth more to them than accomadating your dog.

You don’t take your dog out to eat lunch unless you are going somewhere dogs are permitted. Period. People have allergies, fears, and no matter how well behaved you think your dog is there is always a chance it could bite someone or pee, poop, shed...whatever and a restaurant is not where that should be happening.

Omg people, she performed in his casino’s and hotels...I am sure he paid her and she didn’t do it for free. When you hire talent to perform they technically work for you during the time they are performing, you can find some of her performances at his establishments on this thing called the internet and you know she

Does anybody ever listen to what these people talk about at these riots, I don’t mean their chants but the things they say. They are communist, marxists whatever you want to call them that use facists tacticts and believe in severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. Have you

Its pretty sad when citizens have to go and steal traffic barrels from another area to put them in front of it and the damn county or police do nothing. Some of those people could have wrecked.

These DACA kids will get their deal but dems will have to agree to fix border and immigration issues or we will be right back in this same situation with another 800,000 kids in the future. We cannot let the world think that because we gave these kids a permanent solution that so long as they drag their hineys over

I think that you are taking the statement of a baby kneeling far too literal and it makes your article seem like a drunken smack talking moment. This was where you chose to focus your attention, no wonder the media is hard to take seriously.

This article is full of all kinds of crap. First off no heroin was found, second, they found less than a gram of meth and a small bag of weed. It was not a choo shop, they only found one stolen item from Georgia on the property. There were no chemicals found to manfacture meth, no lab. Basically what happenedis this,

Why do you think they haven’t thought of this? He has been doing business in foreign countries for decades. Do you think he has not had to go back and forth with them on issues? You guys think very plainly on some of these issues. Someone does not get where they are like him without having a team of sharks on payroll.

So basically what you are saying is is that we should just remain the cowards Obama turned our country into and just give the bully his milk money...the logic some of you have. MARCH ONWARD GLOBALIZATION! WE ENJOY TAKING IT IN THE TEETH!

As soon as I hit your buzzwords I stopped. Cmon with this crap. I am not sure myself what the answer to illegal immigration is but it a large problem and the fact that many choose to pretend it isn’t is astounding. It is not even a problem for just us, these people are being exploited by traffickers and even being

I suppose the thought never crosses any body’s minds that he has been meeting with people such as Al Gore and Leonardo DeCaprio among others to discuss climate change issues the past couple weeks and maybe he just may possibly want to speak with and know who is working on this team to see what they have to say and