Brand Silven

The community is the best thing about the game, but unfortunately I have already seen it going downhill. There are less people talking, more rude people when they do, etc.. It’s really a shame, too. Because the random chatter in general chat is what practically keeps me awake while playing.

I have good memories of playing Jedi Knight II. I remember thinking that it felt more like Star Wars than the prequel movies did.

The new Tony Hawk game is looking really experimental!

Yup. He’s embodying all the idiocy and toxicity that was vanilla WoW. He’s not even reading what I’m writing. I’m done trying to communicate with him, because it’s pointless.

You seem to have some reading comprehension issues. I’ll try to make this simple so that you can finally comprehend. I don’t have any crayons, so you’ll have to try to concentrate:

I do not find the game difficult. It is easy.

So you do actually realize that your statement was incorrect. How interesting.

Your ignorance of game mechanics would be adorable if you weren’t so insufferable.

“Dying because a monster spawned on top of you is your fault.”

So, I’m playing it. I played vanilla. I play modern WoW. I just have a sort of obsessive style personality that I do things that I just don’t like. Seriously. I’m playing WoW Classic and almost the entire time I’m thinking “I should be playing a fun game, but I’m playing this instead.”

Now playing

My poor ears don’t hear the difference, I’m afraid.

At least they don’t pronounce it “See-ga” instead of “Say-ga”...

Fun bit of trivia: Even though the game was originally released in Japan as Doki Doki Panic, a tie in with Fuji TV to promote their Yume Kōjō ‘87 event, the game was actually originally under development as a Mario game prototype after all. It started off with vertical scrolling only instead of horizontal scrolling,

I don’t really like the leaderboards either. I just had to ignore them, and now my Duolingo experience is better because of it.

Blizzard fans can be, well... idiots. If they even announced WoW for phones, the fans would go ballistic. There’s be so many “Don’t you have phones?” memes going around and so many conspiracy theories that Blizzard is moving to mobile away from PC. Ugh.

Nashville? I see the game’s absurd sense of humor is still around for the 3rd entry!

There is a notable difference though. When we create things, we are basically the sum of our experiences. What we create is majorly influenced by what we’ve experienced in the past. As a musician, music created comes based off of music you have listened to. Often times I find myself making music that sounds probably

He had long red hair and quite a bit of Gerudo symbolry in his jewelry. If it’s not Ganondorf, then it’s some other male Gerudo.

Crap! My level didn’t make the cut. Because I forgot to enter it. Or create it. Oh well. Congrats to the picks though! :)

I got the car as well (Which has been deleted due to an unfortunate bug, which Rockstar is looking into, but that’s another story). It’s a 1 in 20 odds, which is actually pretty great for a prize like that.

Their TV sucks! Seriously, all that static and interference? Sheesh, invest in something made in the 90's already! Embrace the present!