Have you upgraded any of the combat stuff? That was my fear also until I started upgrading and adding more moves and techniques.
Have you upgraded any of the combat stuff? That was my fear also until I started upgrading and adding more moves and techniques.
Seems like the election has broke them.
I believe this will be a possibility.
Partial pipe dream realized. At least on Ni-Oh
I dont hate this.
Anyone know how the dash button works with Amazon subscriptions? I considered them but it seems pointless to me when I have things like cat food automatically get delivered periodically. And at a discount.
Anyone know how the dash button works with Amazon subscriptions? I considered them but it seems pointless to me when…
As an Amazon Prime user I preorder because they give you 20% off. If it’s a game I’m buying no matter what, I see nothing wrong with it.
yea we should be using ghazi on every thing (Im sorry)
This is not satire. People that use the satire defense don’t know what it means or assume other people don’t. They think because The Colbert Report is satire then you can just make a joke and say “oh but it’s satire.” It doesn’t work like that.
I don’t even know what to say. I’m sorry this happened to you.
Another thing that was troublesome about this whole thing is he was outspoken about things like the Trump tape. He even took on Gamergate. Some people saw him as an ally which makes it super creepy.
Apparently legally they can’t release Trump tapes from The Apprentice. I believe it’s in his contract. It’s like he knew he was a shithead and was able to work it out where no one would ever see them. This is why people want Mark Cuban (Shark Tank) to pay the settlement fees for whoever releases it.
That is also my fear.
He has gone full WWE.
I don’t understand why people think when the election is over that we won’t be dealing with this insanity. It wont matter. We had 8 yrs of racist climbing out from the gutter. If Hillary wins, do you think this is going to just stop?
Unfortunate for you, I stopped reading after the third sentence.