Brandon V. Fletcher

This is why A-a-ron was so pissed. Cobb was wide open.

Off topic. This makes me look forward to all the gifs of her we will get from Jessica Jones.

Here we go. He has been released.

Considering everything thats going on, this is the worst thing to happen today. Do not want assholery from my QB. Well unless youre winning.

As much as I hate the Jets I cant even joke about them right now.

Im sure they are enjoying it even with the bad. No one wants to work on the same thing over and over again for a decade (Halo).

Here is the Texas version of the same play

Now imagine watching the game terrified your team would be beat by the Redskins. I was ready for you guys to pass the dumpster fire torch to us.

Lets take a moment to appreciate Forbes’s extremely poor timing of this tweet.

This is also for whoever starred this comment

Now playing

Or she could just make a video “with” black people.

But will she pull a Lena Dunham and have a black man in her?

Season 2 was really great. A lot better than Season 1. Season 3 seems like it will be better. He is returning for Season 3. Also they added Constance Zimmer *heart pounds*

He was on Agents of Shield last season playing May’s (Ming Na) ex husband. Both of these people are 50. 50!

Samsung 850 Evo 500GB is on sale with a promo code on Newegg. Got it for $154.

Samsung 850 Evo 500GB is on sale with a promo code on Newegg. Got it for $154.

I felt that way about turkey bacon until I started buying brands not named Oscar Meyer. They try to hard to make it look like bacon and its super disgusting and fake. Try Applegate Farms or Wellshire. I just looks like meat.