This is fantastic
This is fantastic
I love Haim so the slightly awkward dancing is forgiven.
I certainly do not Apple unless I have to (my job).
This should be a federal law for everyone
Maybe not starred but Samuel L. Jackson was in Star Wars, Marvel Films, and Jurassic Park
Considering he said he would be willing to do an interview about this charity work, he is being very serious.
Its been done.
This is wonderful
DAMN IT. Just bought the Dyson D65 from Bed, Bath and Beyond last week. It was discounted but this deal is better.
Its a satirical response to Deadspin's satirical article.
Now find a way to work his original name (Tity Boi) into a campaign slogan
He didn't want to be a dad.
Damned if you do. Damned if you dont. Pretty much describes the entire presidency.