Im male and im squirming
Im male and im squirming
True. Love them or hate them EA has a diverse portfolio of games. Many tend to be well reviewed. For every angry person thats refusing to play Sim City, there are 100 probably playing Madden. On the other hand what else does have? A bunch of other games with Saga in it thats bringing no where near the…
Jesus. That is depressing.
I now fully believe the people in charge at 3D Realms are complete idiots. They should honestly just close the studio. No wonder it took 12 yrs to make the game.
This has to be a joke...
Well as stated in another comment, its not her. That's her lawyer. My mistake (couldnt delete it. stupid Kinja). The only reason I did that was because her attractiveness was brought up by Skelatron because that's what an "atta boy" moment would've been dependent on. Probably not a good idea in hindsight.
blah. thanks
Its not what I personally thing but more of a social thing. Kinda like hooking up with the teacher. Its such a double standard.
No worries. Its seems like other people are better at explaining my thoughts than I am lol.
Thank you
Wonder how often this happens with men? For women its usually seen as embarrassing, degrading, etc but for males its usually an "Atta boy" moment.
So everyone was rightfully fearful
Never gets old
I still blame 3DR. Sometimes when a product is in development too long, you just have to finish it and release it to recoup some of the cost. The same thing happened with the animated film The Thief and the Cobbler. Better known as Arabian Knights when it was released in the US. Im not going to blame to people that…
Glorious! LOL