Animator here. Not sure what I could do but here you go.
Animator here. Not sure what I could do but here you go.
Santa is clearly black
Yea Reboot and Beast Wars is great but I would rather see the studio Sony Pictures Animation take on the film. I love the animation in Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs. Unfortunately they also do the animation for The Smurfs
Judging by the fact that the author of the post didnt know Before the Nexus came out, maybe smaller games are less risky? Even the fact that the Ratchet film isnt being animated by Sony Picture Animation (being animated by Rainmaker Entertainment ) even though its Sony characters speaks to that.
They were never a Sony studio. Always independent. Sony still owns the Ratchet characters though.
I always have a soft spot for Mario Kart. This may make me get a Wii U
This is amazing. Where is the cat?
But when will Shanahan bench the defense?
"It's just a fact of life that most women taller than me aren't willing to date me," Brooklynite Nick Rizzo, who is 5'7, told the New York Post. "Maybe they're worried about how it will look to other people."
Is it too late for her to make a plea deal at this point??
As someone thats a Dolphins fan and watched this game, I can say I completely understand the complaints. First half of that game was depressing. Granted its nothing the Red Zone channel can do about it.
This is the perfect gif. She would!! I probably would...
I wasnt blown away by trailers either but animation friends of mine got early screenings and surprisingly everyone loved it. Im not crazy about Rotten Tomatoes but its currently sitting at 91%
I'm an Old