Brandon Toms

First of all supporting the “rebel flag” would make you a traitor/treasonous.  Second how does the black side of your family feel about you being racist fuck who supports the confederate flag?

This is 1/10 trolling buddy.  

Yout support the rebel flag? That was like sooo 160 years ago. But hey, if you hurry maybe you can run the abolitionist blockade and get some badly needed salt pork rations and bandages to the besieged lads at Gettysburg.

Sounds like somebody is salty enough for everyone lol. Im a liberal, Ive never fought in a war just like you never really fought for freedom. You fought for rich people to get richer at your expense and you know it ;). You should try therapy, i hear that’s a free service through the VA buddy. Thanks for your service

You should mail your high school diploma back with a brief apology. You don’t have the chops to exceed twenty words.

I have no issue with what Dre did because 1) It was a donation made publicly so at least people can be aware of the potential causal link between his donation, and his daughter’s admission and 2) I think it’s an acceptable quid pro quo, because that amount he’s given can enhance the experiences of other students, so

You should! They’re fantastic and beautiful!

Have you tried Oceanhorn by chance? Oceanhorn 1 feels like those cell-shaded open world ocean planet Zelda games with better graphics (imo). Oceanhorn 2 coming... eventually looks like a high resolution Breath of the Wild.

I am so hungry for a classic Zelda style action adventure game rife with puzzles that I may buy this based off that alone.

So lunatic conspiracy theorist vs Sam Harris bro who never got past the “what if reality isn’t real” level of drug thinking. I vote giant meteor.

And yet they don’t see the hilarity in them calling people snowflakes nonstop like it is the worst insult ever, when they throw tantrums over the way people are talking about them or to them.

Idiot republicans have unlimited gall calling anyone a “snowflake”. They are rude, selfish brats and should be put in a very long time out.

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” -Voltaire

Religions shouldn’t be part of any society. Most of the wars and intolerant views of this world are based on religion.

Religious laws are stupid and shouldn’t be a part of modern society.

There is no organized effort to implement Islamic Law in the United States.

“So, while sharia religious law isn’t a problem in itself, it becomes a problem when the Islamic religious laws are applied to non-Muslims anyone.”

So basically its like living in Utah with the most radical Mormons in charge and enforcing the Church law via violence. Honestly we have some crazy Christian towns in the United States where you can barely tell the difference.

This doesn’t really change the issues that people have with it. Yes, sharia law is the set of interpretations and understandings by which Muslims live. And yes, it means different things to different people.

If that picture isn’t a perfect distillation of 400 plus years of white colonialism, I don’t know what is.