Brandon Toms

You are not making a claim that Wanda Maximoff was a cellist, you're saying that the witch from a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT MOVIE 20 years ago was a cellist. THERE IS NO CONNECTION THERE. If Wanda Maximoff actually WAS a cellist somewhere in the comics, then MAYBE. But the only reason they mentioned the cellist is to

Yeah, that's a HUGE stretch, I'd let that one go. If they were going to reference Wanda Maximoff, I'm sure Joss would have called her "Wanda" if he really wanted to make the reference. Or maybe a "she's a real witch, but I still love her" kinda line would also be more Joss's speed. The cellist is not a reference to

There's always Elektra... ::braces for flying rotten fruit::

Ronestar, I came here to say the same thing. "all energy has disappeared" makes ZERO sense. If this is really representative of the intelligence of the average TV viewer, we're screwed.

Or in this case, titles draw you in, then realizing that the title is misleading as hell gets you to leave a comment stating that the author (and really all of Gawker) needs to be more honest with their titles before people start leaving the site for good. This one included.

WHAT!? Red Hulk is General Ross!? And he's an AVENGER!? Jesus, I am WAY out of the loop on Marvel...

It's not illegal to lie to the cops, unless you are under oath.

Also, they would have zero licensing problems from Disney considering Disney OWNS Marvel.

Does anyone have an idea who "The Other" is in the Avengers, played by Alexis Denisof?

Tyler Perry shouldn't be in anything. Ever.

Yeah, they wrote a draft where he's killed off in the first reel... only to be brought back as a ghost for the rest of the movie. lol

The humorist was correct: a human tooth left in a cup of Coke will dissolve within a week. We used to do it in my elementary school science class every time a kid would lose a tooth.

Spoiler alert: Coulson dies in Avengers. Whedon takes another loved character from us. :-)

Two things: 1, "Deadites" were on the whiteboard! Nice Evil Dead reference! And 2, I was hoping to catch a glimpse of an old Buffy or Angel monster (old school Whedonesque vampires would be the obvious decision). Did anyone notice any?

Yep, I said this exact same thing several times on the Reddit AMA. It would translate so well to animation.

Wasn't Zelda II: The Adventure of Link basically Zelda meets Mario?

Now the test of a true Gizmodo reader, what movie is it from? Somebody asks damn near every time it's posted. lol

Yeah, as I try to think about another one nothing comes to mind. Hmm. Guess it WAS pretty light on the quips.

I thought Spider-Man did plenty of wisecracking in the Raimi trilogy: "Nice outfit! Did your husband buy that for you?"