Frank Miller didn't write Watchmen. Alan Moore did. He is also crazy as a loon, but for different reasons.
Frank Miller didn't write Watchmen. Alan Moore did. He is also crazy as a loon, but for different reasons.
And for the record, no one is BLAMING you for someone else's ignorance. I am, however, calling you an asshole for thinking that not knowing the difference between Korean and Japanese is something you should shame us for.
Look, just because YOU give a shit about the difference between Korean and Japanese languages doesn't mean that everyone else does. I could chastise you just as easily for not being able to recognize Beethoven vs. Mozart, or Java vs. C. Get off your tentacle-porn-laden high horse and accept that not everyone cares…
You mean... Seal made another song besides Kiss From a Rose? Huh. Learn something new every day.
Yeah, "they all sound the same to me" is not racist, if you in fact cannot tell the difference.
To the untrained ear, most of the Asian languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc) sound alike. I'm sure they would say the same thing about the romance languages (Spanish, French, Italian, etc). "Paying more attention" would not help if you have no idea what one sounds like compared to another. We're not all…
What's worse than a grammar nazi? An incorrect grammar nazi.
FORTY SEVEN DOLLARS!? That's absolute insanity, I bought one of these at Urban Outfitters about six months ago for 12 bucks, and you can still get them brand new on eBay for between 10 and 20 dollars plus shipping:
FORTY SEVEN DOLLARS!? That's absolute insanity, I bought one of these at Urban Outfitters about six months ago for 12 bucks, and you can still get them brand new on eBay for between 10 and 20 dollars plus shipping:
Did you notice that the chick in the raptor costume was wearing high heels to simulate the arched foot that raptors have? Clever girl.
Wow. How emberassing.
::slow clap::
I wonder if Shia LeBeouf is now in that little consensus circle.
"You have to ask George Lucas. George is in charge of breaking the stories..."
"Lobbyists with big encouragement budgets" is not a sentence.
This may be a dumb question, but I've never heard it asked: How exactly do we know what pi equals? Isn't the definition of pi based on measurements by hand of a circle's diameter in relation to its circumference? I guess my question is:
Because Dexter is a cop by day, and a wanted, murderous vigilante by night. I'd say Showtime would have a case for that one, especially considering it's a DRASTIC deviation from the source material.
"a rising star detective with the New York Police Department who moonlights as the vigilante Punisher, seeking justice for those the system has failed."
Ah, that's also very possible, good call.
Wow, no Avengers news today! Has Joss put a tighter lid on the production? Doubt it, people were eating those set shots up!