Brandon Toms

I thought the Tanooki suit was a bear suit, wasn't it? Or is that just the 1990 kid version of me seeing a bear and not bothering to look it up in the manual? :-)

Captain Comic. Now THERE'S a staple of 1990's PC gaming. :-)

It was a joke, he was intentionally confusing Marvel and DC. He acknowledged the confusion in the last sentence:

"New Captain America footage shows off Red Skull’s evil deeds" Yep, questioning Cap as to what makes him so special is definitely an "evil deed". /sarcasm

Yeah, good costumes, good sets and props, good lighting... HORRIBLE everything else. Why the hell are they fighting in the first place!?

Yes, this is a great game. And believe it or not, there IS something of value inside that vault, worth every bit of your mind-melting efforts.

The INTENTIONAL avoidance of showing him in full Superman splendor was like a slap in the face to everyone watching. They have been building up that suit for 2 or 3 seasons now, only to leave us hanging at the end. What were they thinking!?

Looks like he's winning to me. :-P

While Emma Stone has proven herself as a decent teen actress, she's a poor choice for the role. Gwen Stacy is supposed to be the embodiment of innocence and sweetness. With all due respect to Miss Stone, I just don't see that in her. Dianna Agron of Glee fame was up for the part at one point, she would have been

Boo friggity hoo, Sony, way to cut your nose off to spite your face. As long as they keep punishing good customers with the bad, this will always be a bad business decision. I personally back up my games, games that I have BOUGHT AND OWN, but would rather read the games off of a hard drive than have to get up and