Brandon Pilcher

Not just birds. All the thunder lizards should be present! Representation for saurians PLZ

Good recommendation IMO:

Minor correction: Kushites (or "Nubians") were a different nationality from ancient Egyptians. But they did share a common heritage in Northeast Africa, so you're not too far off the mark there.

I do think most ancient Greeks were darker-skinned than Irish, being of Mediterranean stock. But you have to admit, the skin color difference between Northern Europeans and Mediterraneans is less dramatic than that between the former and Northeast Africans like the indigenous Egyptians.

To be fair, the "race" or physical appearance of the ancient Egyptians is a pretty controversial subject even if most people wouldn't call them "white" like Europeans. Some want to conflate them with Arabs or Middle Easterners while others would prefer a West or Central African look. Personally I think they were